Worcestershire farmer raises £20,000 in 24-hour ‘shearathon’

Worcestershire farmer and shearer Michael McPherson has completed a 24-hour “shearathon”, raising more than £20,000 for Cancer Research UK and the Farming Community Network (FCN).

From 28-29 May, Mr McPherson managed to shear 816 Texel-cross and North Country Mules, working in two-hour stints followed by a half-hour break to get through the 24-hour challenge.

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Testing his mental and physical stamina, Mr McPherson said he wanted to undertake a fundraiser that reflected the farming community.

Michael McPherson and the team after the challenge

Michael McPherson and the team after the challenge © Michael McPherson

He added: “A lot of people run or complete marathons or sponsored walks, but those types of fundraisers aren’t normally actually to do with the farming community, for the farmers to get behind and support.

“The challenge wasn’t really about the number of sheep shorn, but trying to raise as much awareness as possible for the two charities.

“The number of sheep is just a plus!” he said.

Despite an initial target of £1,000, to be split between Cancer Research UK and FCN, Mr McPherson’s fundraiser currently stands at just over £20,000.  

Despite undertaking such an enormous challenge, he has not had a break, and has continued shearing this week for clients.

“It’s a very busy time of year,” he said. “I’m straight back at it and shearing again.”

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