Three days left to win a Farmers Weekly t-shirt

There’s still time to enter Farmers Weekly‘s “My Highlight” competition for the chance to win a limited edition Farmers Weekly AGM shirt.
What made Blackpool 2011 a trip you’ll never forget? What was the best, funniest, most unusual or most embarrassing memory from the weekend? We want to hear about your best AGM story in exchange for the chance to win a coveted Farmers Weekly AGM shirt, as sported by the Farmers Weekly team throughout the weekend.
Stories that will impress the judges the most will be the ones that best capture the spirit of Young Farmers and of the weekend – the funnier and quirkier the better (but please keep them as clean and legal as possible!)
You can share your story by adding it direct to the website forum thread (you have to be registered on FWispace to post, which only takes a minute) or email Full details here.
Good luck!