Tell FW about your heroes – and you could win £100

Tell us about your hero and you could be on your way to winning £100.
Everyone needs a hero and, in these tough times in agriculture, we do now more than ever.
It might be a relative, friend or neighbour. It might be another farmer or a figure in the public eye – someone you know or perhaps someone who’ve never met.
See also: How a Devon farming couple brought water to Kenya
It might be one of your children or a sibling or parent. A schoolteacher, perhaps, or the first person you ever worked for. Someone who you feel has made a positive impact on agriculture or in the ancillary sectors.
Maybe it is one of your ancestors, who battled adversity and established a great business? A shepherd or stockman whose words of encouragement you have never forgotten? Someone who mentored you, either on a formal or informal basis?
Alternatively, your hero might be someone in the local community or the national spotlight or even on the international stage. A sportsperson, politician or entertainer, for example.
Whoever it is, we want to hear why they occupy this special place in your life and why they’re so inspirational.
It’s up to you how you explain what they mean to you. You could write it down (there’s no word count but between 250 and 500 words is a good target) or simply send us a photograph with a line or two. You could even do both.
We’ll publish the ones we like best and there’s a prize of £100 on offer for our overall favourite.
Email your entries by Friday 24 February to