Potato grower lends a hand to fundraising efforts of rowing farmers

Staffordshire-based potato grower and crisp producer Anthony Froggatt has produced a special edition run of his Just Crisps brand, to help raise the profile of fellow farmers Rod Adlington and Guy Minshall, who are rowing across the Atlantic for charity.

Turkey farmer Rod and arable farmer Guy are now well into their crossing, having set off from Lanzarote to row to Antigua on 3 January – a journey that is expected to take about six weeks.

See also: Midlands farmers prepare to row the Atlantic for charity

Called The Brightsides, the crew is aiming to raise £250,000 for cancer charity Get A-Head and Meningitis Now, in memory of Rod’s son Barney, who succumbed to meningitis aged just three. Farmers Weekly is a media partner.

Guy Minshall and Rod Adlington in their boat

Guy Minshall and Rod Adlington © The Brightsides

The 40,000 bags of special edition crisps have been hand-cooked at the Froggatt family farm in Rugeley, and include special stickers to raise awareness of The Brightsides, plus a QR code that enables people to donate directly to the cause.

They are now in the process of being distributed to pubs, farm shops, delis and independent retailers across the UK.


Anthony said: “We really hope that when people see the stickers they will be interested enough to scan the QR code to find out more about The Brightsides and this amazing challenge.

“I’ve known Rod for about 15 years and, when I heard he was going to row across the Atlantic, my first thought was ‘typical Rod’. He’s always looking for a challenge and this will certainly be that.

“We wanted to do something to show our support for them as well as help raise awareness and vital funds for these two incredible charities.”

Anthony grows all his own potatoes on site at Wade Lane Farm and it has taken about 6t of potatoes to produce the 40,000 special edition packets for The Brightsides.

To find out more about the crew and their story, or to make a donation visit thebrightsidesrow.com.

You can also follow their journey via their Facebook page or by logging on to The Atlantic Dash.

Anthony Froggatt holding Just Crisps crisps and bottle of oil

Anthony Froggatt © Just Crisps

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