Photos: Winter countryside shots from Cornwall

Rose Tabberer, the “winner of winners” in the Farmers Weekly Photography Competition 2016, has been busy with her camera again.

We asked Rose to take a set of pictures that summed up winter in her part of the world – Cornwall.

So she grabbed her camera, donned coat and wellies, and sought out some new pictures as well as raiding her archives to find some favourite seasonal shots she had taken earlier. 

“I love taking photos in the British countryside,” says Rose. “I’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively but I truly believe that Britain is the most beautiful country in the world.

“There is a photo waiting to be taken everywhere,” says Rose.

A sheep stands in a field

A photograph of frost

Two hunters stand in a field holding rifles while a dog sits at their feet

A pheasant stands in grass

A tree silhouetted against a sunset

Frost on leaves

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