Your photos: pink bale fever spreads

We asked, you answered. Farmers Weekly readers have been posting their photos of pink bales to our gallery on FWi.

Farmers have responded with enthusiasm to the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity initiative by wrapping their bales in pink wrap. The Breast Cancer Campaign gets a donation for every roll of wrap sold.

We set up a special Pink Bale Gallery, hoping to see photos of pink bales dotting the fields of the UK and Ireland from our readers and here’s a selection of your photos. Keep them coming!

See also: Read more and see the video on the Pink Bale charity initiative

This photo was sent in by Clare, proving bales have many uses, including making a comfy seat.

Two children sitting on a pink bale with a dog in front

Carting Them In!

Posted by local contractor John Kennedy in Ards Peninsula, Co Down


Isle of Wight goes pink – photo by The Hayman

“Haylage wrapped in pink this year to sell to the equine market . For every bale sold a donation will be made to the breast cancer trust.”


Pretty in Pink posted by Chumley

“Southwick Farm are donating ÂŁ5 per bale of Pink haylage and are asking our customers to do the same, hopefully that will be an extra ÂŁ600 to Breast Cancer Awareness”.


Wrapped in pink posted by markc

Raising money for Cancer Research UK #wrappedinpink


Glastonbury – not just for festivals!

Picture from Harvey Smith – a farmer/contractor near to Glastonbury Festival. He made some round bales at Worthy Farm using the pink wrap, which raises money for breast cancer charities.


 Haylage bales being loaded


Read the guide on how to post photos to FWi galleries.

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