Meet the FW team heading for the YFC AGM 2013

The Farmers Weekly team is limbering up for the YFC AGM in Blackpool starting on 3 May.
Hot off the press are our sought-after TGI FWiDAY T-shirts, as modelled here by the team.
We’ll have a hundred of these T-shirts to give away in Blackpool – details of the competition will be on the FWi website on Friday.
Left to right are: Luke (Casswell), arable reporter, Rachel (Jones), Community and Farmlife deputy editor, Tim (Relf) Community and Farmlife editor, Robyn (Vinter) business reporter and Dan (Menhinnitt) production editor.
And here’s why they’re packing their toothbrushes for a three-day jaunt (Editor: three-day back-breaking work trip) to the Vegas of the North.
“It’s my first time at the YFC and I really cannot wait. I’ve heard a lot about it and I’m just looking forward to experiencing it all…although may be not everything!”
“Looking forward to: finding the most outrageous t-shirt slogan in Blackpool. Not looking forward to: getting lost in a terrifying army of Where’s Wallys. Eek!”
“I always really enjoy the AGM, it’s a great mix of serious stuff and socialising. I’m determined to find half an hour to go up the Tower as I’ve never managed to, despite having been to Blackpool loads of times. I’m a bit of an oldie – although I take heart from the fact that at least I’m not as old as our photographer Pagey!”
“I loved photographing the best costumes from last year. This year I’m looking forward to seeing hundreds of Where’s Wallys.”
“I’m most looking forward to experiencing an AGM in Blackpool. It’ll be my third time on the Farmers Weekly Young Farmers team, but both previous outings were to Torquay rather than the Vegas of the North.”
For more on this topic
See our YFC AGM 2013 page for pictures, video, competitions and talk.