Len Eadon’s parents launch mental health initiative

The parents of young farmer Leonard Eadon, who took his own life on 1 January, have launched an initiative to help keep people in the farming community safe.

Lynda and Andy Eadon launched “The Five A Day Challenge” at the Len Eadon Farming Family Day at Kenilworth Showground in Warwickshire on Sunday (June 5). 

The event was well attended by about 1,000 people and instigated by the 22-year-old’s parents to celebrate his life, get people in rural communities to start talking and help eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health. 

See also: Son’s death leads family to back mental health charity

Alongside the fun of the various farming-based competitions, such as tug of war, sheep shearing, machinery valuation and a “fit to farm” obstacle course, was a memorial and awareness element, including a small service, plus tribute and song, concluding with Mr Eadon launching the challenge.

Andy and Lynda Eadon

Andy and Lynda Eadon © Tim Relf

He said the initiative aimed to encourage youngsters to “talk and stay safe”.  The points have been printed on a card designed to slot into a wallet or purse with helpline numbers on the reverse, which was distributed as part of a pack as people left the event. 

“If we can stop one other set of parents having to go through what we’re going through, then doing it will have been worth it,” he said. “The cards are designed to be referred to on a daily basis for all to acknowledge our own and others’ mental health and wellbeing.

“We just want people to talk more – because a problem shared is a problem halved.”

The event, which heard how Len had “made a profound and positive impact on the lives of so many”, raised money for – and was attended by – the Farming Community Network (FCN), Papyrus (a charity working to prevent young suicide) and Yellow Wellies (The Farm Safety Foundation).

The Five A Day Challenge

  1. Be honest with yourself and those around you 
  2. Talk openly, honestly and be prepared to listen 
  3. Care for yourself as you care for others 
  4. Contact that person you have been telling yourself you should 
  5. Plan for the unexpected – make the right choices