Join us for YFC coverage, competitions and giveaways

More than 4,000 Young Farmers are set to travel to Blackpool for the National Federation of YFC’s AGM and convention on 6-8 May.
Highlights include the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Forum, the jazz dance competition, the pub quiz and the performing arts final.
Farmers Weekly will be there and has some unique giveaways for you this year – including some fantastic tattoos (temporary, obviously). Whether you put them on your arms, your legs, your face or somewhere more concealed (the mind boggles!), they’ll be the mark of quality at this year’s AGM.
The design (pictured) says “100% quality assured” – which we thought was suitable because it’s equally applicable for Young Farmers and Farmers Weekly.
The seven-strong team from Farmers Weekly will be posting rolling news, pictures and videos on FWi.
Here are some of our competitions and giveaways:
Blackpool 2011 – My Highlight competition
We want you to hear how your weekend goes. What made Blackpool 2011 a trip you’ll never forget? There’ll be a unique prize on offer for the one we like best – a Farmers Weekly convention shirt (we’re keeping the design of these under wraps until a little nearer the event).
We’re looking for stories that capture the spirit of the weekend. Funny ones are fine, but keep them clean as our Farmlife team are a sensitive lot!
Share your story by adding it direct to the website forum thread.
The person who writes the entry we like best will win a shirt (it will be one of a limited edition of seven).
Just go to the Next Generation area of our forums and add your story to the thread called Blackpool 2011 – My Highlight. The closing date is Friday 13 May.
Get spotted – there’s £250 to be won
Farmers Weekly will be snapping away with their cameras all weekend – we’ll feature hundreds of you on our website and in the 13 May issue of the magazine.
As well as the kudos of seeing your photo appear, there could be an additional benefit this year, too.
We’ll be circling five lucky members in five photos (two of which will be in the 13 May issue, the other three will appear as part of our web coverage), and if you’re one of them, there’s £50 here with your name on it.
All you have to do is spot yourself, get in touch (proving you’re the person circled) and you win the prize. Simples.
More details will be released shortly.
Your club shirt – send us a photo ahead of the AGM
Got your shirts sorted already? Got a witty slogan that you think will bring a smile to people’s faces?
We’ve already opened the club shirt gallery (we’ll be filling it up during the course of next weekend) but you could be the first club to get your shirt in there. Either upload them direct to the gallery or email
Cow-aoke contest
The fancy-dress theme for Saturday night (7 May) is Song Titles – so we want you to sing for us and you could make it on to one of our videos.
Yes, put your modesty to one side (assuming you’ve got some to begin with, of course) and come and sing as the band you’re dressed as.
The Farmers Weekly crew will be out and about with a Cow-aoke board and we’ll be shooting footage of would-be Lady Gagas or Kings of Leon.
You don’t need to sing the whole song – even if it’s only the chorus or a verse or two, that’s fine – but you might want to get a bit of practise in beforehand. Whether your song title is a modern smash hit, an old favourite, or maybe just an anthem for your club, take part in our Cow-aoke competition and you could end up a video star.
• Don’t forget, is the web address where you’ll be able to find all our web coverage of the event, beginning with the build-up on 5 May.