New Foundation to tackle poor mental health in rural areas

Improving mental health and reducing the numbers taking their own lives are the key aims of a new foundation established this week to support people working in rural communities.

Launched on World Suicide Prevention Day (Tuesday, 10 September), the Rural Communities Mental Health Foundation, will provide training to businesses and organisations who interact with agricultural workers “to better equip them to identify those who may require support with their mental health”.

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There will also be an emphasis on raising awareness of young people in schools, colleges and young farmers’ organisations on the importance of good mental health, as well as signposting to appropriate help and support.

The new foundation has been set up by Kate Scott and Lewis Hunter, who are both from farming backgrounds and have had first-hand experience of suicide with the loss of their respective brothers.

“It’s our aim to help anyone struggling with their mental health realise they’re not alone and help and support is out there,” said Kate.

“We will deliver funded training to empower people to have more confident and informed conversations, focusing on free mental health first aid training sessions initially, and will work to educate the next generations and normalise the conversation around mental health and suicide.”

The foundation will initially target rural communities in Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire, but will extend its services to anyone approaching them from other counties.

More information is available at

The facts around poor mental health

  • The suicide rate for male farm workers is three times the male national average
  • Three people in the UK farming and agricultural industry take their own lives every week
  • The top three barriers stopping men reaching out are the stigma around mental health, not knowing who to turn to, and lack of awareness of support available