Britain’s Fittest Farmer 2023: Heidi Wilson dedicates win to dad

A veterinary student and dairy farmer who was crowned Britain’s Fittest Farmers (BFF) says losing her dad to Covid motivated her to pursue her goals.

Heidi Wilson’s dad, Paul, died from Covid-19 after a six-week battle with the virus in 2021, a few weeks before she moved to Liverpool Vet School.

See also: Britain’s Fittest Farmer 2023: Meet the winners

The 24-year-old from Blackpool set no expectations for this year’s BFF, apart from a personal goal to connect with other farmers, enjoy herself and try her best in every event.

Heidi had entered BFF in 2021, and was excited to see what personal progress she had made since then with her training.

Heidi balances her busy veterinary studies at the University of Liverpool with her CrossFit training programme, which she says helps her to mentally recharge and prioritise her wellbeing.

“My dad always told me that I would change the world as I have always been so driven and motivated,” Heidi says.

“The last event was a trail run and when I crossed that line, I just fell apart. I knew I had won the event, but had no idea I’d won overall.

“On the podium, the tears were streaming down my face holding the trophy. I said to myself, ‘This one’s for you, dad’.”

Heidi, who won the BFF Women under 40s category, says she was so grateful for the love and support she received from everyone on BFF finals day, held this year on 17 September at Farm Fitness, in Great Dunmow, Essex.

“BFF is just an awesome event. The range of events challenges me, highlighting my strengths and exposing my weaknesses – the deadlift,” Heidi laughs.

“I am going to work on my strength this year and I can’t wait to come back to BFF next year and see how much progress I’ve made.”

Watch the action from the qualifiers and the final of Britain’s Fittest Farmer below.

Support group

Heidi founded the Bereaved Vet Students Group (BVSG) to create visibility, open conversations and improve support for her peers navigating grief.

There are 30 Liverpool BVSG members and the group is paving the way to expand nationally.

Heidi aims for every vet school to have their own BVSG group and for veterinary educators to routinely receive human bereavement training.

Heidi has donated £500, half of her £1,000 prize for winning BFF, to BVSG. She is exploring further funding options as she believes in removing any financial barriers to accessing support.

“Our society always makes us feel as though grief is something to ‘get over’. I am changing the narrative to ‘bereaved, not broken’,” she says.

“I am determined to support my peers through the up and downs, the ‘griefy’ days, knowing it’s perfectly OK to fumble forward on our way through vet school – and we are stronger together.”

Connect with the Bereaved Vet Students Group on Instagram: Bereavedvetstudentsgroup. People interested in working with and supporting the group should email