Photo of the Week: Last of maize harvest ‘lights up’ spirits

Many farmers will be breathing a sigh of relief as the maize harvest draws to a close, after weeks of grappling with the wet weather.

That’s the situation for HC Beales in Norfolk, a family-run farming business and contracting company, mostly harvesting maize for AD plants and cattle customers.

The last field of the 2023 maize harvest was brought in at the end of a tough season due to weather but 3,000ha have been harvested in just under eight weeks, says Flora who sent us the shot of the lit-up combines at night.

See more: Photo of the Week: Fordson tractor displays memorial poppy

Flora says: “The use of Dezeure transfer trailers helped us to get to some of the wettest fields as well as a lot of patience.

“Throughout harvest we have been drilling back on the home farm, as well as contract drilling.

“This is nearly done, then over the winter [there] will be maintenance work before we get busy again with spring drilling, tankering and spreading.”

It’s your last chance to enter our Photo Competition in the coming week, which closes on 21 November, so get your awe-inspiring photos over to us.