Photo of the Week: Holstein calf gets helping hand
This week’s favourite photo is of farmworker Adam Simpson, giving this little Holstein calf some support.
The calf was having problems walking due to a birth defect affecting its front leg, which, thankfully, has now straightened out.
See also: Photo of the Week: Red nosed lamb frolics around
Adam, who works at Little Town Dairy in Longridge, Preston, has a truly inspiring story.
Originally a studio ops manager at ITV, he gave up the job and the city life to have a better life in the countryside.
After a visit to Little Town Dairy’s farm shop for lunch with his wife Jen, he decided he wanted to be involved with farming, and convinced the farm to take him on.
Eighteen months later, his life has changed beyond recognition. It goes to show what hard work, motivation, and a farm willing to take a chance can achieve.
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© Jen Simpson