Farmlife Framed: Skies, kids and cultivations

Thanks for all the great photos you’ve been sending us for our Farmlife Framed series.

From the serious and the scenic to the fun and the funny, your pictures are a great insight into farming life across the nation.

Don’t forget, too, that the 2018 Farmers Weekly photography competition is open for entries until 23 November and is offering a £250 prize, so if you have any pictures you’re particularly proud of, don’t forget to enter the competition.

Enter the Farmers Weekly Photography Competition 2018

Meanwhile, here are just a few of the Farmlife Framed shots that have caught our eye recently.

Tractor pulling wagon full of dung with rainbow in the background

© Miles Coward

“Turns out that the gold at the end of the rainbow is a load of dung!” says Miles Coward. An agricultural engineer, Miles helps out occasionally on the family farm on the northern edge of Dartmoor, where they keep Red Ruby Devons plus a few sheep.

Boy reading farming magazine on kitchen table

© Rebecca Halls

Ollie Halls reading his favourite magazine with his trusty digger close at hand. “One happy little boy,” says mum Rebecca from Essex.

CrossSlot drill in field

© Leo Mahon

Leo Mahon shared this shot of a New Zealand CrossSlot drilling Gleam winter wheat on the family farm near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. “We’ve found this autumn fairly straightforward, with the settled weather allowing us to delay drilling where necessary,” he says.

Man and boy dressed in John Deere overalls standing on country lane

© James Merriman

Thanks to James Merriman for sending in this picture – his two-year-old son Seb is ready to crack on with farming in Pembrokeshire in his new John Deere overalls!

Drilling winter wheat

© Susan Thomas

Susan Thomas sent us this shot of drilling at Flecknoe Fields Farm, a family business in Warwickshire. Leeds winter wheat is going in the ground, using a Khun Combi seed drill. “The farming year for 2018 has been a struggle with the long, cold winter and dry summer,” says Susan. “Yields are down, as with most farmers, but the price has increased, so there is some compensation.”

Tractor collecting bales in a field

© Darren Willey

Thanks to Darren Willey from Newcastle upon Tyne for this one. “Collecting bales in the sunshine while a storm goes around us,” is how he describes the scene.

Baby on safe with two Farmers Weekly magazines

© Sarah McBurnie

A great slogan on little Logan’s t-shirt: ‘I’m a farming baby – like a normal baby, but much cooler’. Thanks to mum Sarah McBurnie for the photo.