Farmlife Framed: Lambing, low temperatures and little farmers

One of the highlights of the farming year, lambing season is a challenging but joy-filled time for Britain’s farmers.

As lambing 2019 gathers pace, our amazing readers have been sharing their heart-warming moments with us.

Away from the lambing shed, you’ve been sending in some super-cute snaps of your little farmers too.

The weather has taken a turn for the chilly, so we’re also sharing reader photos of frosty farm scenes.

See also: Check out more lambing 2019 photos and videos from our readers

Highland cows are made for chilly weather. A fantastic frosty morning snap of two Highland cows on the farm in Kent, by Emma Walsh

Highland cows on frosty morning

“A new tractor costs how much?!” We love Clare Gammin’s photo of eight-week-old little farmer George reading up on the latest farming news and advice with dad Matt.

Baby George with Dad Matt reading Farmers Weekly

Nothing says spring is around the corner like newborn lambs. One of Richard Heady’s rouge ewes got caught by the ram and lambed early – the rest of the flock are due in mid-March. You can share your own shots of lambing with us on our dedicated “Lambing 2019” gallery.

Ewe with two newborn lambs by Richard heady

William Awan took this snowy snap of an Exmoor Horn lamb.

Lamb in snow

A wonderful photo of five-year-old little farmer Dolly, who loves helping out in the lambing shed. “This picture oozes compassion and love,” says Georgie Mitchell, who took this snap. “Everything a childhood on the farm should be.”

Girl with lamb

Lambing season is under way for Paul Holmes near Carlisle – he captured the moment of a ewe bonding with her newborns.

Ewe with twin lambs

Nicole Farmer shared this photo of cheeky triplets.

Lamb triplets

How we all feel after a long day of lambing. Jodie Marriner shared this great shot of a very cosy resident.

Lamb by fire

The look of love – or maybe just looking for the milk bottle. Shelley Lockett sent this one in from Cornwall.

Girl with lamb

A wonderful shot of sheepdog Tully bringing his sheep home in the snow, by Jess Faulkner.

Sheep in snow

A great picture of two lambs fast asleep on their mother’s back, by Lois Honeywell in the Scottish Borders.

Lambs on ewe's back