Farmers Weekly harvest photo competition: Be our cover star
There’s still time to enter the Farmers Weekly annual harvest photo competition – giving one lucky winner the opportunity to see their work on the magazine’s front cover.
Uploading your pictures is quick and easy. Just head to our online Harvest 2023 gallery and follow the simple instructions.
See more: Photo of the Week: Harvest gold at the end of the rainbow
The competition is open to all amateur photographers. However, the photo must be your own work and taken this year.
There’s also no limit to the number of entries you can submit, so get creative and capture the season’s harvest sunsets, early starts, and even the rainy days.
Don’t forget to add a short description telling us where the photo was taken and what it shows.
The higher the resolution, the better (ideally a minimum file size of 2MB), and the winning image will need to be square in shape (or cropped to a square) to appear on FW’s front cover.
The competition closes for entries on Sunday 3 September 2023, but you can still share your photos on the gallery after this date.
Entries preview
Peter Goodrum captured this Claas Dominator harvesting wheat in mid-Suffolk.
He said: “I noticed this old Dominator slowly working through the wheat for several days on my travels to farms around the local area.
“This particular evening, I arrived at a road junction and noticed it approaching the headland on my left, so I took to opportunity to hop the ditch and ask if I could photograph her.”

© Peter Goodrum via FW Harvest 2023 gallery
Combining winter wheat at Ellenhall Grange Farm, in Staffordshire, Tom Heath snapped this Claas Mega 203, with a surprise visit from a hot air balloon.

© Tom Heath via FW Harvest 2023 gallery
Neil Laws-Chapman captured this sunset in Great Plumstead, Norfolk, after baling spring barley straw.

© Neil Laws-Chapman via FW Harvest 2023 gallery