Crowds flock to Open Farm Sunday events

Open Farm Sunday has been dubbed a “resounding success”, with an estimated 400-plus farms opening their gates to the public on 12 June.
The LEAF-organised event saw members of the general public across the country get an insight into agriculture – many braving the rain in the process.
The final visitor count is still being done, but the hope is that last year’s total of 184,000 will be topped.
Farmers Weekly will be featuring a selection of your pictures of OFS in the 17 June issue of the magazine and online – so please send us your best ones.
You don’t need to resize photos before you submit them, and they can capture any aspect of the day – crowds, kids, animals, live demonstrations or just general fun on the farm.
You can upload your photos to the online gallery or email them to
We’ll be choosing our selection of shots on Monday 13 June and Tuesday 14 June, so the sooner you can get them to us the more likely you will be to feature.