VIDEO: Harper scoop top prize in review contest

A team from Harper Adams has won Farmers Weekly’s “review your college or Uni” competition, netting the £200 first prize.
The competition was part of our in-depth feature profiling a range of places to study land-based courses.
We kicked it off with just 10 of the many great options, then threw it open to your suggestions and featured many more of your comments and recommendations.
Harper students took the first prize with their video review – a fun and informative insight into academic and social life at the Shropshire venue.
Just a few of the many other ones we liked were James Turner’s review of Aberystwyth, Chris Hewis’s recollections of Riseholme, Dr Paul Wilson’s exposition of the attributes of Nottingham and Henry Barber’s review of Reading.
There were dozens of other entries – so thanks for all of those. The competition is now closed, but you can still share your views on places to study agriculture or other land-based subjects.