Tesco in joint sustainability initiative with Harper Adams

A new joint programme has been established between Tesco and Harper Adams University to help young farmers develop skills relating to sustainable agriculture.

The Future Farmer Programme will be run as a nine-month course by the university’s School of Sustainable Food and Farming, starting in October.

Face-to-face events, mentoring sessions and online training will be provided for 75 farmers aged under 40 years old.

See also: Tesco to trial low-carbon fertilisers with five growers

The programme is due to initially run for three years and will focus on biodiversity and sustainable agricultural practices.

Tesco will also fund research projects related to sustainability in agriculture as part of the partnership.

Ashwin Prasad, Tesco’s chief product officer, said the new programme will see some of the brightest young talents in the industry benefit from training and support in implementing sustainable agriculture techniques, helping to safeguard the industry, and the natural environment, for future generations.

Simon Thelwell, director of the School of Sustainable Food and Farming, said: “The course is split into three focus areas, Understanding sustainability – which will explore the key drivers and opportunities for the industry; Agile mindsets – which will help participants identify their own strengths, capabilities and weaknesses; and Agile business – which will help them structure and adapt their business, existing or new, and to identify new opportunities and methods for a sustainable future.”

Morrisons is one of the founding partners of the School of Sustainable Food and Farming at Harper Adams and has also been involved with some of its initiatives relating to sustainable agriculture.