Charity doubles target to supply 4x4s to Ukraine front line

Pick-ups for Peace, an organisation headed by farmers and figures from the agricultural industry, has doubled its target and is now campaigning to deliver 200 vehicles to the military on Ukraine’s front line.

The charity has relied on donations from British farmers, many of whom have given their old farm pick-ups and 4x4s, and volunteered to drive them across the Polish border into Ukraine.

So far 45 have been delivered with a further 50 pledged, prompting Pick-ups for Peace to double its target to 200.

See also: UK farmers mobilise to take their pickups to Ukraine’s front line

In Ukraine, continued Russian air strikes have caused a shortage of transportation vehicles, which are desperately needed for moving resources and vital aid, and transporting wounded soldiers.

Pick-ups for Peace co-founder Vince Gillingham said: “The war won’t wait, and we must do everything we can to help our friends in Ukraine.

“The pick-ups we’ve delivered have already and continue to save countless lives as they transport injured troops from the front line and ferry generators and food to those who need them, including hospitals.

“The vehicles must drive extremely fast over rough ground and under constant bombardment. This is a humanitarian call – please help.” 

Vehicles do not need to be new, and many of those already donated are over 15 years old, with more than 100,000 miles on the clock. 

The group is also appealing for other vital supplies, such as tarpaulins, first-aid kits, screenwash, and generators. 

For more information, or to arrange a donation, contact 

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