Britain’s Fittest Farmer: Who’s at the top of the board?

Farmers have travelled from all over the country to take part in the first two Britain’s Fittest Farmer qualifier events, which took place in June at the Lincolnshire and Royal Highland shows.

The friendly competition sees entrants put through their paces by judge and fitness guru Tom Kemp and his Farm Fitness team, in a series of timed physical challenges designed to test strength, stamina and endurance.

See also: Britain’s Fittest Farmer: First-time entrants get competition-ready

Callum Grechla © Joe Somerville

While the complete list of finalists will be announced after the last qualifier, the top-ranking competitors from each category at the Lincolnshire and Highland events have been named. 

There’s just one qualifier event remaining, taking place on 25 July at the Royal Welsh Show, to determine who will make it to the grand final in September.






Suzy Parker © MAG/Colin Miller

How to enter

There’s still time to take part in the final qualifier event at the Royal Welsh Show, on 25 July. Making an application is quick and simple.

  • Head over to the Britain’s Fittest Farmer website, and upload a photo or short video of yourself
  • Select the Royal Welsh Show qualifier venue and the category that you are entering
  • Remember to tell us about how you stay mentally and physically fit for farming, and what makes you a great ambassador for the industry
  • Don’t forget to add your contact details so we can get in touch.