Britain’s Fittest Farmer judge completes ‘monumental’ rope climb for FCN

Britain’s Fittest Farmer judge and farming fitness guru Tom Kemp has completed a gruelling 20-hour rope climb to raise funds for the Farming Community Network (FCN).

Completing the challenge from his family’s farm in Essex, Tom scaled a 10m rope suspended from a telehandler a total of 693 times over a 20-hour period, which equates to a height of 4,100m.

While he fell short of Everest’s 8,849m height, Tom’s climb was the equivalent to five times the height of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building.

See also: Britain’s Fittest Farmer 2023: Devon qualifiers show strong performance

Britain's Fittest Farmer judge Tom Kemp climbing a 10m rope suspended from a telehandler

© Tim Murch

Tom said: “I am incredibly humbled and grateful for the opportunity to have taken on this monumental rope-climbing challenge in support of FCN.

“The physical and mental demands were immense, but the unwavering support I received from the farming community and beyond kept me going.

 “It serves as a symbol of the resilience and determination that farmers embody everyday.”

Tom’s fundraiser has so far collected more than £1,300. To make further donations, visit Fundraiser by Tom Kemp: 4100m Rope Climb (

Enter the Britain’s Fittest Farmer competition

There’s still plenty of time to enter this year’s Britain’s Fittest Farmer competition ahead of the next qualifier rounds at the Lincolnshire and Royal Highland Show. 

To enter, visit the website and tell us how you stay mentally and physically fit on the farm.