Boots and Heels blog: On farm with the Fletchers

Positive messages about agriculture outside of the farming community are often driven by well-known people and personalities.

The likes of Jeremy Clarkson, Kaleb Cooper and Amanda Owen all contribute to the public perception of British farming and the more we embrace these icons, the more we can reduce the consumer-to-farmer gap.

Kelvin and Liz Fletcher, well-known TV icons, recently took on their own farm and launched their latest BBC1 programme Kelvin’s Big Farming Adventure to document their experience. Inspired by their passion to learn, we decided to visit them.

See also: Boots and Heels Blog: Visiting the Chief Shepherdess

As you can imagine, heading up the drive of a TV celebrity’s home was both nerve-racking and exciting, and we were filled with a genuine gratitude for the opportunity to chat all things farming.

As soon as Becca and I arrived, we were welcomed and made to feel at ease. We sat drinking tea at the kitchen table like old friends, and all nerves were gone.

As Kelvin told us about his first time lambing, the children were also eager to share their farming experience and it was a real joy to see their enthusiasm.

Keen to show and not just tell, Kelvin and his daughter, Marnie, booted up and gave us a tour of the sheep pens.

You can watch as we discuss all things lambing with Kelvin and see how Marnie takes on her role as a little shepherdess.

After speaking with Kelvin, we were eager to chat to Liz about her role on the farm.

From watching the show, I had real admiration for her willingness to be involved and take on any challenge thrown her way.

Despite being heavily pregnant with the twins, Liz took the time to have an important discussion on the perception of women in agriculture and the stereotypes depicted outside farming.

Not only was I pleased to hear her view on women in the industry, but I was blown away by her busy schedule, both as a farmer, mother and driven career woman.

The full interview with Liz can be seen in our second episode.

Finally, to finish the day, we sat at the dining table with Kelvin to ask if his on-screen farming role had prepared him for his new role as a farmer.

We laughed many times about having the “right” colour tractor, the mind-boggling art of the farming language and, of course, whether Kelvin and Liz are #TeamBoots or #TeamHeels.

For me, it was refreshing to see a celebrity couple advocating our fantastic industry and being unafraid to ask the questions I have asked on my own farming journey.

We are lucky to have them as passionate farmers, helping to bridge the gap between city and rural life.

The final interview with the Fletchers can be seen below.

We can’t thank the Fletcher family enough for welcoming us to their home and for continually supporting us and the industry.

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