Agronomist runs 268 miles for Farming Community Network

Northumberland agronomist Chris McClymont is taking on one of Britain’s toughest endurance races, to raise funds for the Farming Community Network.

Chris will be taking on The Montane Spine Race, which takes place from 15-22 January, covering a 268-mile route along the Pennine Way, starting in Derbyshire and finishing in the Scottish Borders.

The seven-day route covers extreme terrains including bogs, ice, and snow, as well exposing competitors to high winds and potential rainfall.

See also: Fundraising farmers turn out for London Marathon

Chris decided to support the farming charity after attending a wellbeing training session, hosted by the Farming Community Network (FCN), and learning about how it supports farming families.

“The difference that FCN volunteers make to the mental wellbeing of people in rural communities is incredible,” he said.

“I come into contact with people every day who could potentially receive confidential support from the charity, whether it’s a sympathetic ear or the offer to ‘walk with’ anyone seeking help. It’s so important.”

Chris has worked as an agronomist for leading agronomy firm Agrii for 13 years and is also secretary of Northumberland Arable Society.

The FCN is a voluntary organisation and charity that helps about 6,000 members of the farming community through difficult times each year.

Issues for which FCN can provide support can range from family disputes and mental health problems, to animal disease and financial difficulties.

To make a donation, visit the Just Giving fundraising page.