9 photos to show what makes Open Farm Sunday so worthwhile

For more than a decade, farmers have been opening their gates to the public for Open Farm Sunday – an event which seeks to inform and inspire.

This year Open Farm Sunday will be held on 10 June and, as always, it is free to host an event. All farmers are encouraged to join, whatever the size or scale of the open day that they wish to hold.

Here we share some of the more candid photos taken on farms in recent years that show just how worthwhile hosting an event can be.

See also: Open Farm Sunday – why you should get involved


1. Be amazed

Open Farm Sunday has the power to inspire the next generation of farmers.

Child looks amazed at Open Farm Sunday event © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

2. The royal seal of approval

HRH Countess of Wessex visits an event at the Leckford Estate in Hampshire.

HRH Countess of Wessex visits Open Farm Sunday event © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

See also: 5 alternative ways to host an Open Farm Sunday event

3. Show and tell

There’s plenty of scope for practical demonstrations and to answer questions from the public. 

Open Farm Sunday visitors listen to farmer talking © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

4. All about the host farmers

The day gets a double thumbs up from this farm worker at Old Farm in Gloucestershire.

Open Farm Sunday host farmer © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

5. Mega machinery

It goes without saying, but big kit is always sure to draw a crowd and get the children (and the big kids) excited.

Open Farm Sunday crowds with tractor © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

6. Livestock and learning

Open Farm Sunday is a great way for the public to learn about and appreciate how their food is produced.

Open Farm Sunday pigs © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

7. Wooly wonders

Farm animals are a big hit with the public.

Children with sheep on Open Farm Sunday © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

8. Pick of the bunch

This little girl’s face says it all.

Open Farm Sunday child with strawberries © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

9. All smiles

Tractor and trailer rides are a great way of ferrying people about and mean everyone keeps up with the tour. The novelty factor never fails to cultivate a few grins.

Open Farm Sunday tractor ride © LEAF Open Farm Sunday

© Leaf Open Farm Sunday

Open your farm

If you’re inspired to share your passion for farming on Open Farm Sunday there’s still time to register to hold an event of your own on 10 June 2018.

This year’s theme is the Great British Farm Day and organiser Linking Environment And Farming (Leaf) is calling on all farmers to open their gates – whatever their size or farming enterprise.

For more information, downloadable resources and to register your farm event, visit the Open Farm Sunday website.

See more