7 fantastic harvest photo competition entries so far

Photos are flying in for this year’s Farmers Weekly harvest photo competition, with over 400 uploads to the gallery so far.

There’s still time to enter for your chance to win a prize money can’t buy – the chance to see your winning photo appear as the front cover image of Farmers Weekly. 

The winner and runners-up will appear in a September issue of the magazine.

See also: Harvest 24: Late drilling and grazing yields 10t/ha winter wheat

Only one picture will grab the coveted front cover slot, but your photo could still earn you a crate of Hawkstone’s finest lager.

Our pick of the week’s best harvest photo will win a crate of Jeremy Clarkson’s very own brew while combines are rolling.

There’s also a year’s subscription to Hawkstone for one overall winner at the end of the season.

Winners will be announced weekly on our social media channels.

To take part, visit the Harvest 2024 gallery to upload your work. Here are a few top shots from the entries so far to give you some inspiration.

The closing date of the front cover competition is 11.59pm on 1 September 2024. We look forward to seeing your pictures.

Combine in field of winter wheat

Submitted by Gareth Bradley-Thompson

Gareth Bradley-Thompson sent in this photo of a crop of Zyatt winter wheat being harvested in early August near Tadcaster, North Yorkshire.

With blue skies and the sun shining, the crop was cutting well at 14.8% moisture.

Combine harvester working in the field in Wiltshire

Submitted by Ben Weston

Ben Weston captured this great drone shot of winter wheat harvest in Wiltshire, with a lovely crop of grain and straw.

Combine harvester in a field at River Eden Farms

Submitted by Sue Cook

At River Eden Farms in Lincolnshire, Sue Cook snapped this striking sunset pic during the first day of winter wheat harvest.

Tractor and combine harvester in a field

Submitted by Ross Reavenalll

This “classy” shot was sent in by Ross Reavenall who captured winter wheat harvest on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, where the crop was being cut with a Claas Lexion 780.

Dawsum winter wheat being harvested by a combine

Submitted by Ian England

Somerset grower Ian England is seen here harvesting a crop of Dawsum winter wheat on his John Deere C670i combine.

Tractors bringing in wheat straw

Submitted by Paul Hazelwood

Paul Hazelwood uploaded this picture taken in Hertfordshire, where tractors were busy bringing in the wheat straw.

Rosie the spaniel on a tractor

Submitted by Neil Laws-Chapman

Rosie the spaniel is a chief harvest helper at Laurel Farm, Norfolk. Thanks to Neil Laws-Chapman for sending us the photo.

How to enter

Uploading your pictures is quick and easy. Just go online to our Harvest 2024 gallery and follow the simple instructions.

  • The competition is open to all amateur photographers, and the photo must be your own work and taken this year
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit, so go wild
  • Don’t forget to add a short description telling us where the photo was taken and what it shows
  • The higher the resolution, the better (ideally 300dpi and a minimum file size of 2MB)
  • Please consider that the winning image will need to be square in shape (or cropped to a square) to appear on FW’s front cover

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