Young farmers can ‘blow away’ mental health stigma

The current generation of young farmers has the ability to “obliterate the stigma” of talking about mental health, says NFYFC council chairman Claire Worden.
“We are the generation that can change mindsets,” said Claire. “Often we see our parents suffer and not open up because it is a stigma – I want to blow that away so that people will talk.”
The response to NFYFC’s Rural Plus mental health campaign has been phenomenal since it launched in February, said Claire.
See also: Read more from this year’s YFC AGM
Many clubs had already hosted talks from mental health groups and charities, with an overwhelming response from members opening up and talking about mental health problems they were suffering, often for the first time.
“We are the generation that can change mindsets.”
Claire Worden, NFYC council chairman
Somerset YFC and its vice-chairman Joy Davenport had been particularly active and supportive of its members during and after the floods.
Nervousness, a lack of confidence, and a fear of the unknown, often stopped young farmers talking to friends, family and mental health services. “Once you’ve taken that first step it’s easier, but it’s taking that first step that’s hard,” said Claire.
It was important to understand that mental health problems could be much wider than depression, warned Claire, and could include stress, worry and loneliness.
For further information on local mental health services and the Rural Plus campaign, speak to your club chair or county chair, visit the NFYC’s Rural Plus page.