YFC AGM: The amusing and the bizarre – in photos

Farmers Weekly came back with hundreds of pictures from the YFC AGM in Blackpool and we’ve enjoyed reliving the weekend sorting through them. The event was, of course, a mix of the serious and not-so-serious, with discussion and debate mixed in with the fun. Here are 10 of our favourite photos – that made us smile for all sorts of reasons.




YFC 2014

Love the glasses. We’re presuming they’re not prescription…

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We’ve heard of the close, strong spirit of friendship and camaraderie that being a YFC member engenders… but come on now, it’s time to let go…

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As dance moves go, these are pretty full on.

YFC 2014

A short back and sides – with a tractor please.

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Keep that open much longer and a fly will end up going in!

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He might be the president of CEJA, the European Council of Young Farmers, but we reckon Matteo Bartolini looks a bit like the actor Martin Freeman.

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Full marks to the guy in the middle for donning a retro Farmers Weekly hat. Hang onto it, it might be worth a few quid in a few years’ time.

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Ever seen Swan Lake? No, this bloke hasn’t either.

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This couple, Josh and Linsey Burton from Northamptonshire YFC, were married three weeks before the AGM – so it was first leg of their honeymoon!

YFC 2014

This chap was obviously expecting rain in the Winter Gardens.


See more photos and read all the news from the YFC AGM on our designated page