Royal Highland Show to celebrate 200 years with light displays

Scotland’s landmarks will be lit with dazzling projections next month to mark the 200th anniversary of the Royal Highland Show.

A series of immersive storytelling projections will animate and project the rich history of the show on to historic landmarks and buildings.

The Royal Highland Show Illuminated, produced in association with legal firm Turcan Connell, will project expressive imagery, woven together with never-before-seen treasures and untold stories from the show archives.

See also: Royal Highland organisers plan full show for bicentenary

The installations will feature a five-minute visual history of the show, told through animations, images, films and archive footage, which will be played 12 times over the evening.

They will take place over eight days in March in eight locations around Scotland, lighting up landmarks in each locality for an evening. They are free to attend.

From Dumfries and Galloway to Inverness, the projections will reference how the show would tour each of the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (RHASS) regions each year, before it settled permanently at Ingliston in Edinburgh in 1960.  

Raising awareness

Royal Highland Show organisers the RHASS hope the sensory events will raise awareness of the show – which this year takes place from 23-26 June – and highlight its positive impact on Scotland throughout the years.  

“To celebrate the bicentenary of the show, we wanted to do something special,” said RHASS chairman Bill Gray.

“After two long years without a full show, we are going all out to make the 200th anniversary Royal Highland Show the best one yet. The events will see a powerful and poignant portrayal of the show’s value and importance to Scotland’s communities.” 

More information including the times and dates for the locations can be found online at

Video © RHASS