Farmers Weekly’s Lifetime Achievement Award open for nominations

Those in the farming industry dedicating themselves to the greater good will have the spotlight shone on them as Farmers Weekly’s Lifetime Achievement Award opens for nominations.

Farmers Weekly’s Lifetime Achievement Award is a once-a-year accolade given to someone who has made a huge difference to agriculture or the countryside over a prolonged period.

See also: Farmers Weekly Awards 2022: Lifetime Achievement

Announced at the Farmers Weekly Awards night in October, the award is a way of recognising and rewarding one very special person.

The roll-call of past winners includes charity supporters, peers of the realm, ag college academics and church leaders – a real cross-section of those who have devoted a lifetime to the service of our industry or the ancillary sectors.

That might have been, for example, through campaigning, voluntary work, introducing innovative technical or business methods, through working with young people, or any other successful efforts over a long period.

The winner last year was Tenant Farmers Association chief executive George Dunn, who has worked tirelessly on behalf of tenant farmers for 25 years, while making a huge contribution to the landlord-tenant sector and agriculture more widely.

In 2021 it was Bill Clark, whose work over a career spanning 40-plus years, including nearly a decade as Niab technical director, has brought huge benefits to farmers in terms of agronomic decision-making.

In 2020 the award went to the then Prince of Wales, who has been a passionate advocate of British farming, highlighting its importance and raising awareness of the issues affecting it. 

Now we’re on the hunt for a worthy winner for 2023, so we want to hear your suggestions.

It could be someone you work with, a relative, friend or neighbour. But equally, it might be someone you don’t know and who you’ve never met – but whose work on behalf of farmers and farming you admire.

Those in the agricultural community are sometimes reticent about stepping into the spotlight, but every year this award says a huge “thank you” to someone who has gone the extra mile. 

Share your nominations – and help us shine a light on the great work individuals do to help others – by emailing

Farmers Weekly Awards 2023 Lifetime Achievement sponsor

The Farmers Weekly 2023 Lifetime Achievement award is sponsored by Merlo.

Find more information about the Awards.