Young farmers face driving curfew

Young farmers say they must not be unfairly penalised by proposals to improve road safety for novice drivers.

Proposals being considered by the Department for Transport include night-time driving curfews and a ban for novice drivers on carrying passengers under 30 years old.

The recommendations are contained in a report carried out on behalf of the government by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL).

Changes in the way young people learn to drive could result in almost 9,000 fewer deaths and serious injuries on UK roads every year, it suggests.

Implementing a Graduated Driver Licensing system could result in thousands fewer casualties and save up to ÂŁ447m a year, the study estimates.

The licensing system could see young drivers subjected to a night-time driving curfew between 10pm and 5am, unless accompanied by a passenger aged over 30.

The National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs said it supported the introduction of a Graduated Driver Licence. But it warned that rural youngsters must not be unfairly penalised.

NFYFC chairman Milly Wastie recently held a meeting with the Department for Transport recently to highlight how the restrictions would affect rural young people.

She was invited to talk about the issues after working on the NFYFC’s Drive it Home campaign.

“While we support the introduction of measures such as a Graduated Driver Licence, we ask that in the preparation of the green paper into young driver safety, consideration is given to young people living in isolated rural areas.

“Due to a lack of public transport, rural young people rely on a car to get to their place of education or work.”

Members working in agriculture could be affected by the curfew – especially during peak seasons when working late nights and early mornings on farms is compulsory.

“For those with jobs in agriculture, especially during peak seasons such as harvest, they may often be required to work outside the suggested curfew times of 10pm-5am.

“With youth unemployment already at an all-time low, we ask government and local communities to ensure that our rural youth are not unfairly penalised by these new measures and that solutions are found for safe, night-time transportation.”

The government’s research backs up the findings of research carried out by Road Safety Analysis earlier this year in support of the Drive it Home campaign.

More on road safety

Drive it Home campaign