Welsh ram sales to go ahead

Two ram sales are set to take place, to supply buyers disappointed when livestock movement restrictions prevented Europe’s biggest auction of tups being staged.

Around 7500 sheep were entered for the original National Sheep Association’s Wales and Border branch’s multi-breed sale at the Royal Welsh showground in Builth Wells on 24 September.

To ease bio-security problems, its replacement event has been split into two, so that entries can be accommodated inside permanent buildings.

Jane Smith, secretary of the organising committee, says that initial vendor response indicates that a total of around 4000 head will be offered for sale.

The first auction will be on Sunday, 14 October and will feature older rams and shearlings of any breed. Official Balwen and Badger Face breed society sales will take place at the same time.

Ram lambs and females from other breeds will go under the hammer on Saturday, 27 October.

Strict bio-security measures agreed with Welsh assembly animal health veterinary surgeons will be enforced at both sales.
Assembly rural affairs minister Elin Jones is expected to attend the 14 October event.