Webinar: Transition Summit series – Successful soil

Interest in soil science and management has exploded in recent years, and in our fourth Transition Summit webinar we take a closer look at the subject.
Good soil conditioning is essential for productivity, making it a crucial focus for farmers. But what practices and products can be used to maintain and improve soil organic matter levels and in the process sequester more carbon?
See also: Webinar: Transition Summit series – The pathway to productivity
Representatives from across the industry explore some of the most promising research and look at whether it can be translated into real, tangible improvements in the field for UK farmers.
There are practical tips for managing on-farm resources to measure, benchmark and increase soil health potential as a form of public good.
In this webinar, discover:
- How to define soil health, and what it is exactly
- What your soil sample analysis can teach you
- How we can prepare for standardised soil health measurements and benchmarks to lead regulation going forward
- The financial and agronomic benefits of better soil
Transition Summit series
Successful soil is the fourth in our Summit series, which brings together farmers from around the country and representatives from all parts of the agricultural industry to exchange views and tackle problems amid some of the biggest changes to farming we’ve seen in decades. Watch on demand or register now: