Webinar: The right trees in the right places

Trees and hedgerows don’t have to put your business in the shade – planting the right trees in the right places can offer environmental benefits and give you opportunities to diversify.

Watch our webinar for an insight into how farmers across the UK are reaping the benefits of subsidised tree-planting through the Woodland Trust’s MOREwoods and MOREhedges schemes, and find out how your farm can get involved.

See also: View all our webinars

Discussion points

  • Right tree right place – diversity and location
  • MOREwoods and MOREhedges. What are the schemes about and what other funding is out there?
  • Hedgerow management – what are farmers doing right and wrong?
  • Commercial opportunities – timber and fruit
  • Plastics in tree planting
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of planting
  • What can trees do for my farming business?
  • Tree disease
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