Video: How the industry is fighting red meat myths

From being accused of being unhealthy to harming the environment, the red meat industry has bad publicity thrown at it from all corners of the media.
But there is a silent revolution afoot, to highlight the health and green credentials of red meat. From farmers to academics and dieticians to famous chefs and rugby stars, we hear from meat supporters who are challenging the scare stories.
Alun Elidyr of Ffermio TV finds out how Welsh lamb and beef is celebrated for its traceability and sustainable production methods and why the claims that all meat production is bad for the environment is a myth.
See also: Piers Morgan roasts veganism and attacks its biggest flaw
Ffermio is the only television programme in Britain that specifically deals with agricultural issues, as well as providing all the news relevant to farmers and the wider audience.
It is a weekly magazine programme for S4C that discusses a wide range of topics from animal health to food production and conservation.
Join the presenters, Daloni Metcalfe, Alun Elidyr and Meinir Howells, for the latest agricultural stories.

Ffermio presenters (left to right) Alun Elidyr, Meinir Howells and Daloni-Metcalfe