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Simple vehicle safety steps to protect your farm and future

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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), is calling on everyone in the farming community to do what they can to reduce the number of injuries involving vehicles and save lives.

Agriculture has the worst rate of deaths and injuries (per 100,000 workers) of all sectors in Great Britain. Over the past five years there have been 161 deaths on our farms.

Vehicles play a vital role in farm work but incidents involving vehicles are the number one cause of deaths and serious injuries on British farms, killing 48 people over the past five years.

The Health and Safety Executive Work Right Agriculture. Your farm. Your future. campaign highlights simple vehicle safety advice to help keep everyone on the farm safe.

HSE vehicle safety campaign advert


We want to make 2023 a safer year on our farms by working together. We’re asking farmers in England, Scotland and Wales to consider three simple areas of their daily farming activities and take steps to prevent another farming tragedy.

What would happen to your family and your farm if you were seriously injured and unable to work?

When you start your daily routine today, follow our “safe farm, safe driver, safe vehicle” advice to help you plan the job and complete it safely:

  • Operating a safe farm – Keep people and vehicles apart
  • Being a safe driver – Pause, take a moment to be a safer driver
  • Maintaining a safe vehicle – Detect faults now, before it’s too late.   

You can also follow the campaign across HSE’s social media channels for resources, advice and support to help keep everyone on your farm safe.

Visit the HSE website for more information.