RPA answers your questions on SPS applications

A team of experts from the Rural Payments Agency is answering questions from Farmers Weekly readers about applying for this year’s Single Payment Scheme (SPS).

The RPA team will be logging onto the FWispace forum every weekday to take your questions and help you get to grips with your online SPS application.Perhaps this is your first time using SPS Online, or you’ve got a burning question you’d like cleared up before you tackle the 2013 paperwork. Or maybe you’re scratching your head over a cross-compliance matter.

The Q&A forum is open now and the team will be taking questions until the application deadline on 15 May. For the sake of your privacy, they won’t be able to take queries that are specific to an individual farmers’ case but are happy to answer anything more generic.

When you post a question, Simon Lunniss, the stakeholder relations manager for the RPA, will reply on behalf of the team. Simon has a degree in agricultural economics and before joining the RPA was an adviser for the National Farmers’ Union.

You will need to be registered with FWi to post a question, but this process takes only a couple of minutes. You can read the thread without having registered. RPA will be checking the thread every weekday between 15 April and 15 May and aiming to answer questions by the end of the following day. Click here to read the thread and post your question. Click here to register on FWi

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