Ringside at Louth Market, Lincolnshire
Louth Market, Lincolnshire. A good entry of cattle commanded strong trade at last Thursday’s (31 October) sale, with plenty of new faces around the ring.
The special breeding sale saw beef cows with calves sell to £1,625 and average £1,227, with in-calvers reaching £1,675 and averaging £1,099. Limousin x bulling heifers topped at £1,325.
Prime cattle trade was also strong, with steers levelling at 213.4p/kg and topping at 261.5p/kg. Heifers averaged 219.5p and peaked at 255.5p, while young bulls reached 189.5p/kg and averaged 186.3p/kg.
Demand for store cattle remained high, with 59 steers averaging £835 and topping at £1,350. Heifers peaked at £1,325 and levelled at £838.
In the sheep lines, 150 prime lambs averaged 184.9p/kg, with a top price of 200p/kg.