Guidance for SAF claims in Wales

Farmers in Wales who have not received their 2013 Single Application Form by 23 March are being urged to contact their Divisional Office.
The Welsh government has also issued some analysis of common errors that ultimately led to payment delays or penalties during 2012. These include:
- SAF’s submitted that had not been signed and/or dated
- Insufficient postage paid, resulting in the SAF form arriving late and late application penalties applied
- More than one applicant claiming on the same land under the same scheme
- Dual use of land, whereby more than one applicant claimed the same field for different schemes in the same year, e.g. it is not permissible for a customer to have a Glastir contract on land which another customer claims under SPS
- Ineligible fields claimed in respect of a particular scheme
- Eligible crop codes declared on fields previously classed as ineligible
- Not querying the non-receipt of a SAF following its submission (for example, no receipt or acknowledgement received)
- Failure to amend field data details to reflect any inspection findings notified from the previous year
Online forms get thumbs up from farmers