BPS applications in England – check RPA has correct contact details
BPS applicants need to make sure the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has their correct email address, telephone number and bank details, says the agency.
These are areas where the RPA most commonly encounters problems in contacting and paying applicants.
It also reminds claimants that land can now be added by sending an email request to ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk with details of the parcel(s) they want to add.
The subject heading of the email should include the wording “BPS 2019 Add Land”.
See also: BPS 2019 – tips for English applications
Updating land parcels in this way reduces the need for a paper BP5 or continuation booklet.
Once the request has been completed by the RPA, claimants will be sent a confirmation email.
Email requests to add land must be sent to the RPA before 4 May, as it cannot guarantee that requests received after this date will be completed in time for the 15 May BPS deadline.
There is guidance on www.gov.uk/guidance/bps-2019 and YouTube videos will be added soon to help those applying.