New survey seeks to understand Welsh farmer intentions

The levy body representing Welsh red meat producers wants to get a fresh snapshot of the future business plans of the country’s sheep and beef farmers.

Last year, survey results from the Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotions Wales (HCC) Farmer Intentions Survey found that producers were slightly more optimistic than in 2022, when poor weather and high input costs took a toll.

See also: HCC Wales warns of ‘serious shrinkage’ in beef supplies

By 2023, the pressures on sheep numbers had lifted slightly, with better scanning rates and an easing in input costs.

“There was a considerable improvement in producer intentions,” said HCC’s analyst Glesni Phillips.


This year’s survey will assess the impact of challenges on farmers in Wales and gather an understanding of their future business plans, to help guide industry discussions going forward.

“This will help us, and the wider industry, to prepare and produce forecasts for the year ahead on stocking levels and the availability of red meat for consumers,” said Ms Phillips.

Producers who complete the 10-minute survey will be entered into a draw for a chance of winning a £50 meat voucher.

The online survey can be accessed until Monday 23 September.