New farming industry panel for Wales

A farming policy panel has been set up in Wales to advise the Welsh Government on food and agriculture.

The panel will update the Welsh Government on economic growth priorities for the industry.

It includes representatives from Farmers Union of Wales, NFU Cymru and the Country Land and Business Association and will be led by the former principal and chief executive of Coleg Menai, Haydn Edwards.

“I attach great importance to the role of the panel which will provide me with expert advice and keep me updated on the views and priorities from the industry. This will help inform the Welsh Government’s future policy development,’’ she said.
The panel will include:
• Heather Jenkins, Waitrose
• Professor Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University
• Leuan Edwards,  The Traditional Welsh Sausage Company,
• Sue Evans, Wales CLA,
• Dai Davies, Hybu Cig Cymru
• Simon Wright, expert chef and journalist;
• Melanie Leech, The Food and Drink Federation
• Mary James, NFU Cymru
• Nick Fenwick, FUW

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