Farmers to march on Westminster in prices protest

Farmers For Action (FFA) has announced it hopes to stage a protest march through the streets of London on 23 March 2016.
The demonstration will be aimed at all sectors and FFA claims it will be an opportunity for “ordinary, hardworking farmers” to get their message across about the testing times facing the farming industry.
The group is encouraging people who want to take part to start thinking about costumes and banners which will draw the attention of the public and media.
See also: Dairy farmers prepare to march on London
A statement on the FFA’s website said a request for permission to hold the event has now been submitted to the authorities.
“The current date being considered is Wednesday 23 March 2016. As you will all appreciate this is a massive undertaking and a lot of patience from you all is going to be required.
“It is a busy time for most farmers but if you could ask a friend or relative to represent you, that would be absolutely fine.
“If you could also contact the businesses that supply your farming requirements, if they would be prepared to financially sponsor a coach from your area. This will help and we will obviously promote their business on the day.
“This march will be lawful, so anyone who is coming with intention of causing disruption in London, you will do it at your own risk and will be dealt with by the authorities.”
See also: Download our milk poster (PDF format)
FFA said they need at least 1,000 people to commit to coming to the march before it can take place.
It hopes it will open the eyes of the public, the media and farming’s customers to the plight of the sector which is struggling with low commodity prices and delays with the Basic Payment Scheme.
“We need to show that we are fighting for our industry, but can do it in a most peaceful manner and still achieve a result”
Farmers For Action
The dairy sector is also particularly concerned about the implications of Tesco shifting some of its milk supply from Arla to Muller, as they fear it will put further pressure on farmgate prices.
“We need to show that we are fighting for our industry, but can do it in a most peaceful manner and still achieve a result, ” the FFA said.
Farming co-op Mole Valley Farmers has already pledged to provide coaches for the march which will run from each of its UK branches.
The last major farming event held in London was in 2012, when more than 3,000 dairy farmers staged an emergency meeting in Westminster to highlight the plight of milk producers.
Prior to that, more than 400,000 people attended the Countryside March in 2002 where farmers and rural campaigners marched to raise awareness of a range of rural issues including protests against the then Labour government’s proposal to ban hunting with dogs.