Dairy exports set to grow with new £1m funding package

Dairy exports are set to grow in response to a £1m investment by government to help businesses target overseas markets more effectively and showcase UK milk production to international buyers.

The Dairy Export Programme, launched by export minister Lord Offord on Thursday (9 November), fulfils a commitment given by prime minister Rishi Sunak at the “Farm to Fork” summit held in Downing Street last May.

See also NFU aims to double value of dairy exports in next 10 years

The new programme will include education sessions for businesses on how to boost exports and target new markets, as well as trade promotion activity, including an inward buyer trade mission and a UK Dairy Showcase.

It will also provide specialist resources in priority markets and market intelligence to help businesses exploit overseas opportunities.

The £1m package will be in addition to wider package of support from government for food, including a £2m investment in the Department for Business and Trade’s programme of global trade shows and missions.

Speaking on a visit to Lye Cross Farm in Bristol, Lord Offord said: “Last year our dairy exporters sold £2bn of products to markets worldwide, and the work we are doing to strike up new trade deals will only see that figure rise further.”

Dairy sector representatives welcomed the move, with NFU Dairy board chairman Michael Oakes saying it would help deliver the union’s plans to double the value of dairy exports over the next 10 years.

“This funding commitment from government will boost ongoing market development work and support dairy-specific trade promotion,” he said.

“We must continue to see joint industry and government collaboration on reducing barriers to trade and improving market access.”

The new package would also complement the work already being done by the AHDB export team on trade promotion, he added.