UK red meat promoted at top French food and ag show

Levy bodies representing England, Scotland and Wales are all attending the world’s largest food exhibition at Sial Paris to promote British beef, lamb and pork exports.

The five-day trade show, which finishes on 19 October, includes delegates from the AHDB, Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).

More than 310,000 visitors from 200 countries are expected to attend the event.

See also: AHDB markets best-value pork to families in £250,000 campaign

The AHDB will be promoting UK red meat exports together with 11 exporting companies to international buyers.

A dinner is also being held by the AHDB for 300 guests and exporters to sample a range of British red meat dishes.

Jonathan Eckley, AHDB’s head of Asia Pacific, said: “Sial Paris attracts a truly global audience and is the perfect platform for our red meat exporters to showcase the high quality of beef, lamb and pork from the UK.

“We are expecting international buyers from as far as South-east Asia, the Middle East and North America, alongside key buyers closer to home from high-value EU markets, creating a wealth of potential opportunities for us to see our red meat enjoyed by more consumers around the globe.”

Defra secretary Ranil Jayawardena and Scottish cabinet secretary Mairi Gougeon are both due to attend the exhibition.

Welsh presence

HCC is promoting Welsh beef and lamb alongside export businesses at the event.

Both Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef has protected geographical indication (PGI) status, and exports are estimated to be worth £210m/year to the Welsh economy.

HCC chairwoman Catherine Smith said there had been a 22% increase in exports of Welsh Lamb to Europe compared with last year, and a 227% increase in exports to new markets.

Ms Smith added: “Independent research shows that lamb and beef produced in Wales has a lower carbon footprint compared with that from other parts of the world.”

Scottish exports

Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb also benefit from PGI status, and eight Scottish businesses are attending the trade show to promote its red meat to other markets alongside QMS.

Scottish pork brand “Specially Selected Pork” will also feature at the event.

Kate Rowell, QMS chairwoman, said: “With every major meat-exporting nation attending Sial, it is vital that Scotland’s exporters have a strong presence in Paris, reinforcing the credentials that set Scotch apart from competitors, and being confident in our position as a leader on the global stage.”

Tom Gibson, QMS director of market development, said: “Increasing trade with high-value export markets is high on our agenda.

“Sial Paris is a fantastic chance for our exporters to foster such meaningful relationships, and we will grasp the opportunity to highlight the exceptional beef, sheep and pig producers of Scotland to a global audience of buyers.”