UK pork producers gain market access to Vietnam

UK pork has been granted market access to Vietnam for the first time in a new deal estimated to be worth £12m to the sector during the first five years alone.

Pig producers in the UK are due to benefit from access to this new market with demand expected for many cuts, including those which are less frequently consumed in the domestic market, such as offal.

Vietnam is a net importer of pig meat products, and pork accounts for roughly 70% of its total domestic meat consumption. The market has traditionally been supplied by Poland, Germany, Russia and the US.

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AHDB has worked closely with the UK government and Vietnamese authorities to secure market access, with the levy board hosting delegates on visits and supporting the audit process.

Jonathan Eckley, head of international trade development at AHDB, said: “This announcement further illustrates how this collaborative approach successfully delivers tangible results for our levy payers.

“In anticipation of how our exporters can make the most of opportunities in Vietnam, AHDB took part in the Food & Hotel Vietnam trade show earlier this year.

“Access to the Vietnamese market will offer further opportunities to balance carcasses and help underpin domestic pig prices.”

Ouafa Doxon, AHDB’s senior market access manager, added: “UK pork is known around the world for its high quality and reputation, and we look forward to our exporters developing opportunities in this new market.”