NSA ram sale average up nearly 30% on the year at £886 a head

More than 2,500 tups sold to an average price of £886 a head at the NSA main ram sale on 23 September at Builth Wells.

Averages were up overall by £191 a head on the year, with the sale achieving a 92% clearance rate and a turnover in excess of £2.25m.

A record price of 30,000 guineas was paid at the sale for a Texel shearling (pictured) from Phil Weaver of Little Manor Farm, Nottinghamshire.

See also: Kelso average rises again to smash £1,200 mark

Texels sold to a flying trade with an entry of more than 400 shearling rams averaging £1,232 a head, up by £269 a head on the previous year.

However, Texel ram lambs were slightly down on the year at £594 a head.

Texel ewes sold to a top price of 3,100gns and averaged £761.

An entry of 328 BlueFaced Leicester shearling rams averaged £934, up by £152 on last year’s sale.

Charollais tups were also up on the year with shearlings and ram lambs averaging £886 and £564 respectively.

NSA sale chairman Geoff Probert said: “The standard of sheep forward was a credit to all vendors. The bar just gets higher each year.

“The buyers that come to Builth are prepared to pay for quality and this was reflected in the record average price and clearance rate. We’re grateful for the loyalty of all the supporters.”