Mules up on the year to average £178 at Thame Sheep Fair

A stronger trade for breeding ewes defied the weaker lamb market at the recent Thame Sheep Fair, with both average prices and numbers up on the year.
More than 18,000 head were entered in the two-day sale, with the total stock sold grossing in excess of £2.5m.
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The annual event took place on 3 and 4 August at Thame Showground in Oxfordshire, with strong demand seen for ewes despite a falling lamb trade.
Texels sold to £260 a head and averaged almost £208 a head, while Suffolk crosses topped at £220 and averaged £167 a head.
Thame Farmers Mart auctioneer Simon Draper said the overall trade was up on the year. While Suffolks were slightly down by about £10 a head, Texels were up by about £15 a head.
So too were Mules, with older ewes selling “marvellously well”, according to Mr Draper.
“The gimmers have been trading at anywhere from £160 to £200 on a regular basis and they were already averaging £189 half-way through the sale,” he added.
Mr Draper said the numbers were higher this year, with about 2,000 head more in the catalogue.
The champion run of 60 North Country Mules was awarded to J and H Tustian, Epwell, with one of the pens selling to £215 a head.
Tommy Tustian said they had received a good trade for their Mules, similar to last year, after expecting trade to be down slightly.
Store lambs
An entry of almost 3,000 store lambs averaged £76 a head at Thame, up by about £4 a head on the year.
Auctioneers said store lambs met strong demand, fuelled mainly by the abundance of grass, with prices peaking at £130 a head for Texel crosses.
Average ewe prices at Thame 2019-23 (£) |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Beltex crosses |
137.6 |
169.22 |
171 |
167 |
196.56 |
Texel crosses |
135.65 |
165.48 |
176 |
173.8 |
174.31 |
Suffolk crosses |
132.33 |
147.32 |
176 |
174.77 |
167.41 |
North of England Mules |
122 |
138.27 |
171 |
171 |
178.21 |
Cheviot Mules |
122 |
159 |
160 |
170 |
188.24 |
Source: Thame Farmers Mart |
NSA Wales and Border ram sale
Tups sold to 3,800gns at the early NSA Wales and Border ram sale on 7 August in Builth Wells.
Trade was reportedly strong, with prices up on the previous year and good premiums paid for the best stock.
Sale chairman Graham Jones said: “There was a nice atmosphere, but with fairly selective trade. The best sheep were selling well and there was quite a good bottom in the market.”
Cross-bred rams had a buoyant trade, he added, and high prices were being paid for the best rams.