Kelso average rises again to smash £1,200 mark

Commercial prime lamb and breeding sheep producers were out in force last week to lift the famous Kelso tup sale average up £173, smashing last year’s record.

Notably, the £1,229 average included lower top prices (see table) as farmers pushed averages up across the board.

See also: Inconsistencies in border inspections ‘crippling’ meat industry

Shearling trade included a Beltex average of £1,042 (+£224), while registered Texels averaged £1,844 (+£191) and the Charollais and Suffolk entry levelled at £853 (+£103) and £1,330 (+£28) respectively. An entry of 393 crossbreds averaged £1,061 (+£242).

Bluefaced Leicesters averaged £1,557 (+£98) and Border Leicesters averaged £808 (+£101).

Auctioneers say sufficient confidence and cash is present in the industry after a summer of high lamb prices.

This is despite imports increasing 36% on the year to 46,354t, and exports dropping 6.6% to 45,749t compared to last year to the end of July.

This year’s sale performance compared to the 2023 sale



Change on 2023 sale

Sale turnover



Number sold









Top shearling



Top ram lamb



Factors for a strong breeding sheep trade are:

  • Prime lamb value: AHDB figures show a deadweight price 80p/kg higher on the year through August. This followed record-level spring hogg prices that continued into late May, peaking at 893p/kg, making a 21kg carcass worth £187. This meant more breeding hoggs were sold than normal, reducing the quantity available for autumn sale.
  • Prime lamb supply: The UK breeding flock is at its smallest since records began in 1996, at 13.8m head. August lamb slaughter figures (Defra) are back 8.7% on the year at 930,000-head. AHDB analysts predict a 3% fall in total sheep meat production in 2024.
  • Production challenges: Bluetongue and Schmallenberg have dented lamb production in the UK and in Europe, where one third of UK sheep meat goes.
  • Tight EU supply: Lamb prices are 15.6% higher as of the end of August as an EU average at £6.99/kg. Breeding sheep numbers are falling annually in the EU, reaching 55.9m head last year, 8.5% lower than 2013.