Efra committee presses Coffey on Chinese pork access

The cross-party Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Efra) committee has written to Defra secretary Therese Coffey calling for improved access for UK pork exports to China.

Efra committee chairman Sir Robert Goodwill outlined that some of the UK’s largest abattoirs are still unable to export to China, as licences that were surrendered in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic are still to be reinstated.

Covid-19 restrictions were lifted in China on 8 January 2023 and the abattoirs have completed the required steps requested by General Administration Customs China (GACC) to end the suspensions.

See also: Lack of supply pushes pig prices to new record highs

Mr Goodwill said: “Given the challenges facing the pig sector – as highlighted by Defra and the devolved administrations’ ongoing UK-wide review of the pig supply chain – and the risk that Chinese businesses will seek contracts with exporters from elsewhere, the committee calls on Defra to lead a rapid resolution by the UK government to this issue, including engagement with the GACC, in order to restore the pre-pandemic status quo for the licensing of UK pork exports.

“The committee requests that you set out the steps the government plans to take in this regard.”

A response has been requested from Defra by 8 May.

Other pressing topics

The letter sent by the committee also requested further information on a number of topics, including:

  • An investigation into supermarket profits and the number of referrals to the groceries code adjudicator
  • The expected date of the prime minister’s food security summit
  • The date when then the Animal Welfare Bill will enter the report stage in parliament
  • The results of Defra’s latest staff and vacancy rate survey 
  • Actions taken by Defra to reduce the backlog of post-implementation reviews.